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Message from the President

All is the satisfaction for the seller, the buyer and the society

’Sanpou-yoshi’ ( benefits for all three ) is my favorite proverb from the management philosophy.This ’Sanpou-yoshi’ means that the merchants should take into consideration the benefit for the customers, the vender and society at the same time.I believe that this idea will contribute to economical development and bring the happiness not only to our company’s employees, also for our clients.Also, find a pleasure in work that will lead to a well-being life. If you work reluctantly, it is not good for your mental health. With just a way of thinking, you can change your lives to bright one.

PresidentYukiharu Hayashi

Company Profile

Company Name Hayashi Yaokichi Co., Ltd.
Representative Director and Chairman Yukiharu Hayashi
Representative Director and President Akihiro Hayashi
Capital 67.5 million yen
Capital Hats, gloves, accessories, wholesale
Number of Employees 95
Number of Employees Shanghai Tengling Fashion Co., Ltd. (China)


1895 Hayashi Yaokichi started producting hats in Nodate-cho, Nagoya.
1927 Hayashi Yaokichi Shoten Co. was established and started wholesale.
1937 Established a brach office in Yaoya-cho, Naka-ku.
1946 Business was restarted after World War II.
1947 Turned in to Company Limited and replaced the head office in 2-8 Motoshige-cho, Naka-ku and Prodcution Department to Hayashi Seibo Co., LTD. Our capital fund was 180,000 yen, respectively.
1948 The company inceased with 3,000,000 yen in capital.
1954 Merged with Hayashi Seibo Co., LTD. and incrased the company’s capital to 5,000,000 yen.
1965 The company increased it’s captidal to 10,000,000 yen. A new office was established in Ikura-cho, Naka-ku and became the head office.
1968 Merged with Osaka Hat Co., LTD. which became the Fukuoka Branch Office
1970 Nakagawa Office (Nagoya Office) was built. Company increased it’s capital to 30,000,000 yen.
1972 Opened our Sales Office in Osaka
1973 The company increased its capital to 45,000,000 yen.
1979 A new office for the Sales Office in Osaka was completed.
1981 Opened our Sales Office in Tokyo.
1985 Entered our 90th Year Anniversary since our establishment.
1988 We established Advance Hayashi Co., LTD.
1993 New Nagoya Office was built. The company increased its capital to 67,500,000 yen.
1994 We established A.Y.Headwear Co., LTD (Thailand) and Tianjin Hayashibara Fashion Co., LTD.
1995 Entered our 100th Year Anniversary since our establishment.
1998 Closed A.Y.Headwear Co., LTD (Thailand). Opened a representative office in Thailand.
1999 Opened our Sales Office in Osaka.
2000 Established the Nagoya Atsuta Office.
2001 Tianjin Hayashibara Fashion Co., LTD replaced in Shanghai to Shanghai Tengling Fashion Co., LTD
2005 Entered our 110th Year Anniversary since our establishment.
2006 Changed our company name to Hayashi Yaokuchi Co., LTD.
2008 Head Office was replaced and Nagoya Fushimi Shop opened.
2013 Relocated the Sapporo Sales Office to Shiroishi-ku, Sapporo.
2017 Relocated the Fukuoka Sales Office to Hakata-ku, Toko.
2018年 Merged Advance Hayashi Co., LTD with Hayashi Yaokichi
Head Office and showroom moved to Atsuta-ku, Rokuban-cho.
2019 Company-operated shop, “Un Chapeau” was opened in Sapporo
2021 refurbished the Nagoya Sales Office Company-operated shop,
“Un Chapeau” was opened in Head Office.
2023 Acquired Jean Barthet Trademark at 2023 Master license
Opened Hayashiyaokichishoten in sapporo.


Hayashi Yaokichi supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) and contribute to society.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)?

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) were adopted by the United Nations in September, 2015.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) is a set of international development goals from 2016 to 2030.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) is consisted of 17 goals and 169 targets in order to eradicate poverty and realize a sustainable world.
The SDGs are universal goals applicable, not only for developing countries but also developed countries, and pledge “Leave no one behind”.

“Providing a great working environment for women”

Our company’s the half of employees are women. Some of their positions are assigned to the executive and director.
We offers maternity leave to the employees.
This system is introduced from more than 30 years and many of them were able to be reinstated.

“Focusing on an environmental issue”

We are abolishing paper towels and recommending own chopsticks.
We are implementing the reuse of cardboard boxes.We have stopped using plastic bags at our directly managed shops.
The hat stand on the display has been changed to compressed wood (LIGNOTEX) material.
In the wake of the renovation, we are using scrap materials for the desk walls of the Atsuta head office and the Nagoya sales headquarters.
We use environment-friendly recycled paper for DM, directions, business cards, etc., and switched to in-house printing to avoid waste.

“Supporting for the employee service activities”

We have a company dormitory equipped, ensuring long-term cure services and well-equipped with welfare facilities to the employees in need.We’ll have a stady group for employees.

“Supporting for the employee’s and entire person’s health and welfare”

We conduct health checkups for the employees once a year and hold meeting of health committee once a month with Industrial Physician.
We have been planning and creating the products for the combating communicable diseases.

Every year, we donate to “The Act on Assistance Dogs for Physically Disabled Persons”.

This social welfare corporation, the support dog association, has been contributed to the promotion of independence and social participation of persons with physical disabilities.

“Responsibility for the production”

We have an “Inquiry box” on our website. We accept the customer’s request.
We ask for the public organization to inspect the garments and the products, before the production and distribution.

“Supporting for the education”

We teach the method of making hats at university and our company’s sample room. We conduct the internship every year.
We also promote Academic-Industrial Collaboration (Case Study) with them.

“Taking measure of the global warming”

Twice a year at our private showing, we use the recycled polyester woven fabrics and the materials. It is friendly to the global environment for creating sustainable products.

Promotion of “SWEDEN HAT CHANGE”

The special reflection material named “SWEDEN HAT CHANGE”, which prevent from the heatstroke.
When this item is attached to the hat, it prevents from rising the temperature of the head.

“For our Goal”

We believe that providing a high standard quality with a fair price will contribute to the society and the profit will bring a happiness to the employees and their family.

main office

6-2-6-6, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya 456-0058
TEL:052-659-7388 / FAX:052-659-7389